Have confidence in your listing price with an appraisal from Veritech Appraisal.If you're working with An agent to list your house, more than likely, they'll give you a comparative market analysis (or a CMA) that displays selected sales houses in your local area. It's a good starting point in deciding your home's listing price. This is a really important step if your interests are to maximize profit and minimize your time on the market.
But even if you've been working with an accomplished real estate agent, it's in your best interest to have an "objective" third-party's opinion of value before you sign the Listing Agreement.
We're also experienced in helping you decide on a realistic selling price so your house will interest buyers, a knowledgeable appraisal from Veritech Appraisal can:
Improvements that add value to your homeThere are so many important questions to ask yourself prior to listing your house. Should we paint the whole house before we sell it... Does the carpet need replacing... Should I complete my kitchen remodel... Virtually any project can influence value in some way. But not everything will have the same bang for the buck. Remodeling your kitchen might improve your home's appeal, but be sure to figure out the costs involved before diving in. It may not justify the time and costs involved.We'll step in and help you make these important decisions. An appraiser has no vested interest in what amount the house sells for, unlike an agent. Your fee to us is based on efforts to complete the report, and not a percentage of your home's sale price. So please consider ordering an appraisal from Veritech Appraisal. When it comes to investing in your house and deciding on a fair sales price, we'll help homeowners like you make the smartest decisions. |